In the past months, the world has watched as African leaders have done what they do best; CLUNG TO POWER. Some, more desperately than others & to some extent more 'successful' than others. Case in point, the Ivory Coast. Now, the story is the elections were far from free & fair, but then again, that seems to be the story with almost every election in African politics. This case seems worse because the incumbent, is the one who is claiming the elections were far from free & fair & as such is refusing to step down.
I recently read somewhere online that he has gone as far as to 'rob' the Bank of West African States!!! I ask, how is that possible? Why is it that these leaders are so desperate to hold on to power until, they meet their maker? Now, with situations like this, I begin to question the role of the African Union (AU). Is there something they can do to prevent this once great African nation from once again plunging into civil unrest? Or are they going to wait until it's almost too late? But then again, it has recently been revealed that the president of Equatorial Guinea, in power for close to 31 years, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, is the newly elected chairman of the organization. What message is being sent by the AU? They are trying to get current president Laurent Gbagbo, to step down, but then...
I for one believe that African nations can never be totally democratic & requires some form of autocracy. No nation can be wholly democratic, which is why even in the US, one of the most democratic nations in the world, even the president has Veto powers, which gives him the power to override certain decisions. But, that I believe, is only after, the process of democracy is being staled. Why is it so difficult for these African leaders to learn from a great man such as the former South African leader, President Nelson Mandela? I mean, the people elect you to office, you get sworn-in, serve your term(s) as dictated by the constitution & move on for someone with fresher ideas to take the baton and lead their country forward, not change the constitution to give yourself another term, every now and again.
This leads me to the recent events in Tunisia followed by those in Egypt. First off, kudos to the people of Tunisia & Egypt. Proof of the power of the people, which leads me to ask several questions: “Is Change finally coming to Africa?” & “What can the people of Sub-Saharan Africa learn from their northern counterparts?”
Two revolts/protests, with one leader fleeing the country & the other resigning. I ask myself, if the rest of the African nations with autocratic rulers; Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, to name a few, were to stand up to their various leaders, like the people of Tunisia & Egypt, would the situation in Africa be as it is right now? Would Africa be the continent where an incumbent leader, unhappy with the results of presidential elections, refuses to step down & forces the winner of said elections into a power-sharing deal, whereby they retain their power & authority?! Somehow, I doubt it. But then again, the north Africans have always been steps ahead of their southern neighbors in pretty much everything; infrastructural developments, tourism, among others.
Now several things are apparent to me, one of them being that the north Africans are once again steps ahead of their sub-Saharan brethren, which is why they are better in almost all aspects.
Having said that, we can look to nations like South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, among a few others & pray that something can be learned from them, if Africa as a whole is to one day, make any progress toward a sound system of democracy.
I ask again; “Is change finally coming to Africa?”, “Can the older generation finally cede power & pass on the baton to the young?”, “Is Africa ready for a younger generation of leadership, a new breed, with newer (better recycled) & fresher ideas for moving Africa forward?”
Now, it may be said that the young generation is not ready, inexperienced, et al. But how would they know when they haven't even given them a chance? I've always believed that if you want a kid to take his/her first step, you have to train & entice them to do so. I think it's about time, the younger generation began to get incorporated into governance matters regarding them & their futures.
Everything mentioned above, are my thoughts and opinions, I believe you all have yours. If you have an opinion or answer to the question, feel free to share with me & everyone else, for we are all 'dying' to know.


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